Thursday, July 9, 2020

17A – Elevator Pitch No. 2

1) The pitch. Same as last time, about 90-seconds long. No Web cams. No sitting. Be dynamic! Upload the video to YouTube (as you do with all of your videos) and post the link.

2) A reflection on the feedback you received from your last pitch. Describe what stood out to you as important, what feedback surprised you the most, what feedback you think was outright wrong or silly, what feedback you thought was most useful and insightful. 

My feedback was mostly positive which was very nice to hear. Millie said that my ending sounded cut short which was true. I felt like I was talking too much and did not have time left to close my presentation.

3) What did you change, based on the feedback?

This time I made sure to close my presentation with my ending statement and sign off in order to have a consistent form. 


  1. Hi Jane! I think your elevator pitch was very thorough and easy to listen to. You said that you changed the ending a little bit from the first one. I think your new ending does wrap up your pitch very nicely and makes it clear you are finished talking. It sounded very well practiced while still sounding personable. Great job!

  2. Jane,
    I enjoyed listening to your new and improved elevator pitch. It was very easy to follow and listen along to and gave the audience a great little snippet of what your business is all about. I like the new ending you added and wraps it up nicely. Your passion for this concept is apparent which enhances the performance. Overall, nice job on this.


30A – Final Reflection

1) What sticks out to you as the most formative experience? The experience that you'll remember years later? What was your most joyous e...